Hello guys, Im use plotly js for display violin plot, and want to show info about some entity, based on violin data, i mean, that y axis values, it is array of ids of some entity, but when I click on plot I get same id(first from array) every time
const ids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
type: 'violin',
y: ids,
points: 'all',
pointpos: 0,
box: {
visible: true,
boxpoints: true,
line: {
color: lineColor,
opacity: 0.6,
meanline: {
visible: true,
scalemode: 'width',
x: 'some ttile',
name: 'some ttile',
title: 'some ttile',
hoveron: 'kde',
hoverinfo: 'x+y',
customdata: ids