Completely puzzled by this so more than grateful for any help.
The R code below uses the same logic to generate from custom geojson’s a choroplethmapbox
for Ireland (p3) & the US (p4) respectively.
p4 works nicely & produces the coloured map below, p3 does not & produces a map without
colours although it does render a colour legend on the right.
I’ve checked the geojsons & they both appear to have their id’s in the right place in the schema.
Otherwise, the only real difference between p3 & p4 is that p3 uses & manipulates a downloaded
dataset “primary_schools_2013_2014.csv” & p4 uses the state.x77 R dataset.
Here’s the code:
fileName <- "./primary_schools_2013_2014.csv"
fileUrl = ""
if(!file.exists(fileName)) {
download.file(fileUrl, "./primary_schools_2013_2014.csv", method = "curl")
schools <- read.csv("./primary_schools_2013_2014.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"")
colourCount = length(unique(mtcars$hp))
getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))
schools_grp <- schools %>%
select(County, M_13_14, F_13_14, T_13_14) %>% group_by(County) %>%
summarize(nrows = n(),
total_male = sum(M_13_14),
mean_male = mean(M_13_14, na.rm = TRUE),
total_female = sum(F_13_14),
mean_female = mean(F_13_14, na.rm = TRUE),
total_both = sum(T_13_14),
mean_both = mean(T_13_14, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(char_county = as.character(County)) %>%
# %>% filter(char_county == "Donegal")
# Have to re-work the schools_grp data frame to a matrix
# whose values will match with the geojson id's
schools_mtrx <- data.matrix(schools_grp[, 1:7])
schools_counties <- unname(as.matrix(schools_grp[, 8]))
row.names(schools_mtrx) <- schools_counties
p3 <- plot_ly() %>%
add_trace(data =,
type = "choroplethmapbox",
geojson = paste(c(
collapse = ""),
locations = row.names(schools_mtrx),
z = as.vector(schools_mtrx[, "mean_both"]),
text = row.names(schools_mtrx),
span = I(0)) %>%
layout(mapbox = list(
style = "light",
zoom = 6,
center = list(lon = -8.0, lat = 53.4))) %>%
mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"),
# Workaround to make sure image download uses full container
# size
toImageButtonOptions = list(
format = "svg",
width = NULL,
height = NULL))
p4 <- plot_ly() %>%
type = "choroplethmapbox",
geojson = paste(c(
collapse = ""),
locations = row.names(state.x77),
z = state.x77[, "Population"] / state.x77[, "Area"],
span = I(0)
) %>%
mapbox = list(
style = "light",
zoom = 4,
center = list(lon = -98.58, lat = 39.82)
) %>%
mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"),
# Workaround to make sure image download uses full container
# size
toImageButtonOptions = list(
format = "svg",
width = NULL,
height = NULL
& here is the output from p4
& this from p3