Is there a possibility to provide the user a way to choose resp. to select a folder on the machine?
In my case, Server and User is on the same machine, in case this plays a role. I created an app that analyzes excel files and I want to be able to choose the folder where they are located. Is there a way to do so?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Thanks for forwarding me towards this thread. Tbh, I’m not so well used to plotly which makes it a bit hard for me to identify the needed input there.
But I assume How to create a collapsible sidebar with tree structure of uploaded files - #8 by andrew-hossack? is what I am looking for? Could you please confirm this?
But as I see correctly this is mainly or only addressing how to visualize a given path? How do I let the user choose the path in the first instance?
Thank you!
I’m thinking about a workaround: It is probably possible to enter text through some UI-gadget and this I should be easily be able to use as a path from there on, right?
The question just is how to actually do that. There must be something like a pre-app that pops up with only the text input and a confirmation button and then the actual app and stuff commences. Is this somehow doable?