Chart is Overflowing Label Axes when Zooming

I have a plotly chart which works fine until I try to zoom in. Than, the graph is overflowing beyond the “axes-borders” and I have no clue, why. Does anyone know a solution or has any idea how this happens?

If you need any further information, I will be happy to answer them! Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

In the following, you can see the config and data, which I pass into Plotly.newPlot:

        "name": "Anzahl",
        "hovertemplate": "(%{x:,.}, %{y:,.})<extra></extra>",
        "x": [...],
        "y": [...]

    "title": {
        "text": "Anzahl gegen Z"
    "hovermode": "closest",
    "hoverlabel": {
        "align": "left"
    "xaxis": {
        "title": {
            "text": "Z"
        "automargin": true,
        "autorange": true,
        "type": "linear",
        "range": [
    "yaxis": {
        "title": {
            "text": "Anzahl"
        "automargin": true,
        "autorange": true,
        "type": "linear",
        "range": [
    "newshape": {
        "line": {
            "color": "#d62728"
    "autosize": true

For others having the same Problem:

I found this issue on github, which basically describes the same problem. At the moment there doesn’t seem to be an easy / good solution. But at least I know now what the cause is and can find a workaround.

I hope this helps others!

(In the post is also written, that this bug/issue applies for colorscale - which was indeed another problem of mine)