Change chart type and data using dropdown menu

i tried to use dropdown button to select between line graph for trend and horizontal bar for binning.



after combine both with ‘update’ or ‘restyle’ method the binning chart is not displayed prorperly.

any solution for this?

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if i change it to vertical bar chart instead of horizontal bar chart it will behave correctly. i guess the reason behind is the yaxis and xaxis type was swapped when in horizontal bar case. i still haven’t found the solution yet.

just found a solution by manually set the xaxis and yaxis type and with method ‘update+relayout’

    dict(label='buckets', method='update+relayout',
            args=[{'visible': [True] * 7 + [False] * 2, 'xaxis':{'type':'category'}, 'yaxis':{'type':'linear'}}]))
    dict(label='trend', method='update+relayout',
            args=[{'visible': [False] * 7 + [True] * 2, 'xaxis':{'type':'linear'}, 'yaxis':{'type':'category'}}]))

This looks like a question for #api:python

thanks for pointing out.

i am hitting into another problem. let’s say i have 3 buttons in my updatemenus and the first two i wish to make it stacked bar chart while the last one with barmode = ‘group’. my try many way to code it but still not successful =.="

buttons.append(dict(label='vt-varient', method='update',
            args=[{'visible': [True] * col_count[0] + [False] * col_count[1] + [False] * col_count[2]}]))
                # {'layout':{'barmode':'stack', 'barnorm':'percent'}}]))
buttons.append(dict(label='cell-type', method='update',
            args=[{'visible': [False] * col_count[0] + [True] * col_count[1] + [False] * col_count[2]}]))
                # {'layout':{'barmode':'stack', 'barnorm':'percent'}}]))
buttons.append(dict(label='cell-count', method='update+relayout',
            args=[{'visible': [False] * col_count[0] + [False] * col_count[1] + [True] * col_count[2]}, {'barmode':'group'}]))

resolved with this code :slight_smile:

buttons = []
buttons.append(dict(label='vt-varient', method='update',
            args=[{'visible': [True] * col_count[0] + [False] * col_count[1] + [False] * col_count[2]}, 
                {'barmode':'stack', 'barnorm':'percent'}]))
buttons.append(dict(label='cell-type', method='update',
            args=[{'visible': [False] * col_count[0] + [True] * col_count[1] + [False] * col_count[2]}, 
                {'barmode':'stack', 'barnorm':'percent'}]))
buttons.append(dict(label='cell-count', method='update',
            args=[{'visible': [False] * col_count[0] + [False] * col_count[1] + [True] * col_count[2]}, 
                {'barmode':'group', 'barnorm':''}]))