Can I use Plotly's custom upatemenus button to update the x axis range while shareX = FALSE in a subplot?

I am using plotly and have two figures combined with subplot where I mentioned shareX = FALSE as the ranges for x axis would be different. The data.frame and 'plot_ly` code is given below:

df1 <- data.frame(
  class = c(rep("1st", times = 60), rep("2nd", time = 30)),
  week = c(rep(1:20, times = 3), rep(1:10, times = 3)),
  cat = c(rep("A", times = 20), rep("B", times = 20), rep("C", times = 20), rep("A", times = 10), rep("B", times = 10), rep("C", times = 10)),
  count = round(runif(90, 1, 100))

df1 %>%
  split(df1$class) %>%
    plotly::plot_ly(.x, x = .x$week, y = .x$count, type = "bar", split = .x$cat) %>%
        barmode = "group",
        showlegend = FALSE,
        updatemenus = list(list(
          active = -1,
          type = 'buttons',
          buttons = list(
            list(label = "1st 2W",
                 method = "relayout",
                 args = list("xaxis.range", c(0.5, min(.x$week)+1.5)))
  }) %>%
  plotly::subplot(nrows = 2,
                  shareY = FALSE,
                  shareX = FALSE,
                  margin = 0.05

In this case the button is updating the first plot only where as if I mention shareX = TRUE then it would update both the plots. Is it possible to use updatemenus while shareX = FALSE ?