Can I deploy opencv app with dash?

I have a OpenCV app. It is actually so basic, From a source directory I choose an image, and i crop it with mouse moves and clicks. After I crop them new cropped images are saving to another directory.

The key point is this: Every step are going on OpenCV frame. Actually, only the library I use is cv2 and os .

This is my question:
I wanna share this app on my network. Can I share this in the basic dash app?
Only 2 options, the user will choose the source directory and the target directory. And after this they click a button and OpenCV app will run on their local.
Does this seem possible to you?

I did it like this:


And it works well.

But I wanna share with you my experience with this app.

I share this app on docker, and when I choose paths, my app returns an error. This is bc, my app on docker running on a VM/Linux machine. And it has no a path like me :d

This is a little funny. Bc this is really predictable thing and I didn’t realize a result like this could occur :d