Callbacks erroring on unrelated views - Solved

Hi there. Have had a bit of a hunt but haven’t been able to track down a solution.

I have a multi-page app with various different views that are linked via a homepage. My issue is that on page “A” I get the error:
ReferenceError: A nonexistent object was used in an `Input` of a Dash callback.
The object that is being referenced in the error above is actually from page “B”.

Conversely, when viewing page “B”, the above error shows again, but this time for a callback that is present in page “A”.

Sure enough, commenting out the callback in one of the pages removes the error from the other.

The callbacks in question:

    Output('data_div', 'children'),
        Input('report_choice', 'value'),
        Input('submit_button', 'n_clicks'),
def generate_report(

        Output('item_code', 'children'),
        Output('data_div', 'hidden'),
        Input('given_item_string', 'value'),
        Input('given_store', 'value'),
        Input('submit_button', 'n_clicks'),
def update_item_view(given_item_string, given_store, submit_button):

Is there something i’m missing in understanding how the callbacks should be behaving?
Let me know if i can clarify anything. Any help would be appreciated.


So after bit of brick-wall-headbanging, it seems that the Outputs of callbacks have to be unique, even if they are in completely separate locations and don’t interact with each other. News to me.

Having Output('data_div', 'XXX') in both callbacks seemed to be causing the problem.

Regardless, issue seems fixed.