I just installed Ubuntu 16.04, and I’m using RStudio Version 1.0.136.
I installed the latest version of plotly from the CRAN mirrors, but was starting to get the following error on some relatively simple scatter plots that had worked fine before I updated Ubuntu, RStudio, and plotly (Ubuntu was 14.04, I’m not sure what my previous version of plotly or RStudio were, I installed them sometime in summer 2016).
Error: Variables must be length 1 or 251.
Problem variables: 'y'
I Googled it, and found some threads that said it was a bug in plotly that wasn’t present in the version available on GitHub. I installed this version, but this didn’t resolve the problem. In fact, it’s made it worse. I still get that error in my original code, but in addition I often get a series of warnings, and plots (with or without warnings) appear blank in the viewer. Below is an example of a simple situation that reproduces the warnings.
> plot_ly(x=1:10, y=1:10, type="scatter", mode="markers")
There were 39 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::includeHTML’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
2: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::knit_print.shiny.tag’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
3: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::code’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
4: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::includeScript’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
5: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::includeMarkdown’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
6: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::tags’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
7: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::is.singleton’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
8: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::withTags’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
9: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::img’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
10: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::tagAppendAttributes’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
11: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::knit_print.shiny.tag.list’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
12: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::knit_print.html’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
13: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::tagAppendChild’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
14: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::includeCSS’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
15: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::br’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
16: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::singleton’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
17: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::span’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
18: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::a’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
19: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::tagList’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
20: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::strong’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
21: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::tag’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
22: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::p’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
23: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::validateCssUnit’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
24: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::HTML’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
25: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::h1’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
26: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::h2’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
27: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::h3’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
28: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::h4’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
29: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::h5’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
30: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::h6’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
31: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::tagAppendChildren’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
32: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::em’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
33: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::div’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
34: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::pre’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
35: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::htmlTemplate’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
36: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::suppressDependencies’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
37: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::tagSetChildren’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
38: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::includeText’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
39: replacing previous import by ‘shiny::hr’ when loading ‘crosstalk’
The original error doesn’t appear above, but I still get it when I run the code I was running before. Another interesting problem comes when I don’t get warnings, but the plot appears completely blank in the RStudio viewer. The below code produces that problem.
add_trace(plot_ly(x=1:10, y=1:10, type="scatter", mode="markers"), x=2:11, y=2:11)
Is anybody else aware of this problem and whether if it’s possible for me to resolve?