My goal is to show animation on a page- animation is merely an update of one of the scatterplot point to a new color based on a condition. Every step of the animation is a row in a data set.
Currently the solution i have is to use interval object. and then using the n_interval as the row number to update partial properties of a scatter plot using n_interval property as an input (once i click a button to start the Dash interval object)
n-Interval has to be used as the row index to identify what part of the scatterplot needs to be updated.
For intervals above 1000ms, it works
Anything below that number, what i am noticing is that even though the callback is triggered, and print statements are triggered in the terminal, It does not draw it on the browser. - even tried typograph, doesnt show on the browser
Is this the correct approach to use interval to update the graph or is there a better way to show this animation as i want it be updated fairly quickly (atleast 4 5 times a second)?
** Updated code with client Callback
Input(“play”, “n_clicks”),
def click_play_button(n_clicks,txt):
if n_clicks is not None:
if txt == “Play”:
txt = “Stop”
state = False
txt = “Play”
state = True
return state,txt
return True,“Play”
if n_clicks is not None:
dRow = n_clicks-1
patched_figure = Patch()
#dRow = int(n_clicks)
# read new record
if TraceData[dRow]['4'] == "Release":
# some conditions for color
for r in range(len(route)-1):
j = DataRowLookup[route[r] + "/" + route[r+1]]
patched_figure["data"][j]['line']['color'] = c
patched_figure["data"][j]['line']['width'] = "5"
return patched_figure,"Time is " + f'{round(float(TraceData[dRow]["3"]),2):,}'
Output("animationFig", "figure", allow_duplicate=True),
Output("label1","children", allow_duplicate=True)
[Input("interval1", "n_intervals")],
[State("TraceData", "data"),
State("DataRowLookup", "data"),