Bar width in multi plot timestamp

Hi there,

I plot timestamp series, in line and in bar.
=> I cannot tune the bar width wider than the space between 2 timestamp. Is it possible to fit it over more than 1 timestamp width ?
Here a pic to be cristal clear.

thanks !

OK, it’s not true. Sometimes it is too wide (with not any change in the configuration).
=> In short, it does what it wants :laughing:


Data is pushed as this :

x: ga,
y: bu,
type: 'bar',
lineThickness: 12,
name: zo

=> I assume there is a trick in the lineThickness
I try barThickness
According manual, I try too :
marker: {colorbar: {thickness: 30}} in the layout
width: 10

with no more success.

Any help to manage it ?