Super great functionality! I recently spent a frusteratingly long time attempting to create an interactive PDF or xhtml with some success - but the plotly is far and away the most beautiful.
I have studied up on some of the documentation and have used plotly/dash for python. This is my first attempt to use it for Matlab.
I am having some minor issues and I wonder if there is a work around - it doesn’t seem that I can set axis labels and furthermore the face color option doesn’t appear to be retained.
Any suggestions? I would even consider remapping these variables in python if that was an optional work around?
Thank you in advance - great product.
h = gcf;
ax = gca;
h.Children.Children.FaceColor = '#4DBEEE';
xlabel('X Axis')
ylabel('Y Axis')
zlabel('Z Axis')
filename = 'peaks';
layout = struct(...
fig2plotly(h, 'filename', filename, 'offline', true, 'open', false, 'layout', layout)
Matlab Original