Axis labels not working on latest version for Surface plots

Hi there, I created an example from the ones provided in your demos - 3d subplots in JavaScript

The updated code is presented here -

By changing to version 2 of plotlyjs, the axis labels work, and then going back to 3 they do not. What can I do to resolve this?

Hi @scidec!

The relevant code for the axes labeling in your example is this:

    xaxis: { title: 'Xxx' },
    yaxis: { title: 'Yyy' },
    zaxis: { title: 'Zzz' }

But according to the documentation the correct property would be title.text on the relevant axis. Your version uses a deprecated form, for which support was removed with plotly 3.0.0 (as mentioned in the release notes). Replace your code with this one to fix the issue:

    xaxis: { title: { text: 'Xxx' }},
    yaxis: { title: { text: 'Yyy' }},
    zaxis: { title: { text: 'Zzz' }}


Many thanks for the help - works as expected now. Read the F**** Release Notes!