Iโm making a simple view of the ownership of a property over time where owners have sold their interests in the land to other owners. However, the vertical spacing of the flows is off and they overlap. In this example, Mallory sells 100% of the land to Alice (50%) and Bob (50%), and then later Bob sells his 50% to Alice. What I would like to have is something like:
But what I get is:
Iโve tried setting x and y options but I canโt seem to make a difference in the view. is there a different option I should be using?
Relevant code:
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey(
arrangement = "snap",
node = {
"line":dict(color = "black", width = 0.5),
"label":["Mallory","Alice", "Bob"],
link = {
"source":[0, 0, 2],
"target":[1, 2, 1],
"value":[50, 50, 50],
fig.update_layout(title_text="Land Ownership", font_size=10);