Autumn App Challenge

The Michelin Guide to France. 2024

As an ex-chef currently training to become a data engineer, I was thrilled to see the topic of the Autumn App Challenge.

For my submission, I narrowed the scope of the Michelin data to France and made it more granular. France’s administrative divisions made this a relatively straightforward process. The first two digits of the French postal code uniquely define a department, providing a reliable foreign key to cascade merges up to regional level and down to arrondissement level. From there, I was able to merge this data with GeoJSON shapefiles.

I live in the UK so initially, I did attempt to create a “Michelin Guide to the UK”. However, the UK uses an alpha-numeric postal code system with postal boundaries existing simultaneously in multiple boroughs, counties, and even countries. Binning the data was far from simple to automate, hence I gave up on that task…

However, I’m a Francophile, I love geography, and lived in France for a number of years. Hence, I present; “The Michelin Guide to France”

You can view the live app here:

The source code:

The ‘Guide’ page:

The ‘Analysis’ page (in two parts):
Restaurant Distributions

Socioeconomics & Wine

Creating this app was definitely a challenge and I learned a lot in the process.
Thanks for checking it out!

pineapple-bois :v: