Assign output multiple times (without DuplicateCallbackOutput error)

One of the issues with Dash that i keep running into is the inability to assign an output multiple times. If you do that, a DuplicateCallbackOutput exception is raised. To illustrate the issue, i have created a small example with drop downs for “region” and “country” (available countries depends on the selected region). Two sets of drop downs are created along with a button, which copies the selections from the drop downs 1 (left) to drop downs 2 (right).

import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html

from dash.dependencies import Output, Input, State
from extensions import DashCallbackBlueprint

# Some dummy data.
data_map = {"Nordics": ["Sweden", "Norway", "Denmark"], "Europe": ["Germany", "France", "Spain"]}
region_options = [{"value": item, "label": item} for item in list(data_map.keys())]
country_options = lambda x: [{"value": item, "label": item} for item in data_map[x]] if x is not None else []
# Drop down constructors.
region_dd = lambda i: dcc.Dropdown(placeholder="Select region", id="region{}".format(i), options=region_options)
country_dd = lambda i: dcc.Dropdown(placeholder="Select country", id="country{}".format(i), options=region_options)
# Create app.
css = [""]
app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=css)
app.config['suppress_callback_exceptions'] = True
# Create layout.
app.layout = html.Div([
    region_dd(1), html.Button("Copy values", id="copy"), region_dd(2), country_dd(1), html.Div(), country_dd(2)
], style={"display": "grid", "grid-template-columns": "1fr 1fr 1fr", "width": "100%"})
# Callbacks for left controller.
app.callback(Output("country1", "options"), [Input("region1", "value")])(country_options)

def setup_callbacks_for_right_controller(app):
    app.callback(Output("country2", "options"), [Input("region2", "value")])(country_options)
    app.callback(Output("region2", "value"), [Input("copy", "n_clicks")], [State("region1", "value")])(lambda x, y: y)
    app.callback([Output("country2", "options"), Output("country2", "value")], [Input("copy", "n_clicks")],
                 [State("country1", "options"), State("country1", "value")])(lambda x, y, z: [y, z])

# setup_callbacks_for_right_controller(app)  # throws dash.exceptions.DuplicateCallbackOutput

# Proposed solution,
dcb = DashCallbackBlueprint()

if __name__ == '__main__':

I am aware that the problem can be solved by combining the outputs into a single callback function, which delegates to appropriate handlers. However, implementing such logic by hand is cumbersome and makes the code less readable. Hence, i would prefer a syntax as proposed above. Do you (@chriddyp and others?) see any problems with this kind of approach?

I have drafted an initial implementation of the DashCallbackBlueprint class. It is available along with the example above. Both in the simplified version listed here as well as a full version with a standard Dash implementation,

Note that due to callback inconsistencies in the current Dash release, the example might not work. Therefore, i have included prebuilt dash libs (of the “475-wildcard” branch) on the git repo that should work.