Hey everyone!
I am trying to build an app which would update many(6) graphs at the same time. I have used the multiple output callback which is giving me an error saying this -
Multi output …temperature-live.figure…pressure-live.figure…voltage-live.figure…altitude-live.figure…pitch-live.figure…roll-live.figure… contains an Output
that was already assigned.
I am new to dash and can’t figure out why is this happening.
The code segment :
# The callback for updating all the graphs
@app.callback([Output('temperature-live', 'figure'),
Output('pressure-live', 'figure'),
Output('voltage-live', 'figure'),
Output('altitude-live', 'figure'),
Output('pitch-live', 'figure'),
Output('roll-live', 'figure')],
[Input('interval-component', 'n_intervals')])
def update_graph(n):
# Here the sensor updating code will be there
# Also saving the data in the .csv file
values['1'].append(values['1'][-1] + values['1'][-1].uniform(-0.01, 0.01))
values['2'].append(values['2'][-1] + values['2'][-1].uniform(-0.05, 0.05))
values['3'].append(values['3'][-1] + values['3'][-1].uniform(-0.02, 0.03))
values['4'].append(values['4'][-1] + values['4'][-1].uniform(-0.01, 0.04))
values['5'].append(values['5'][-1] + values['5'][-1].uniform(-0.02, 0.105))
values['6'].append(values['6'][-1] + values['6'][-1].uniform(-0.1, 0.1))
# End of sensor reading code
data_temperature = go.Scatter(
x = list(X),
y = list(values['1']),
name = 'Scatter',
mode = 'lines+markers'
data_pressure = go.Scatter(
x = list(X),
y = list(values['2']),
name = 'Scatter',
mode = 'lines+markers'
data_voltage = go.Scatter(
x = list(X),
y = list(values['3']),
name = 'Scatter',
mode = 'lines+markers'
data_altitude = go.Scatter(
x = list(X),
y = list(values['4']),
name = 'Scatter',
mode = 'lines+markers'
data_pitch = go.Scatter(
x = list(X),
y = list(values['5']),
name = 'Scatter',
mode = 'lines+markers'
data_roll = go.Scatter(
x = list(X),
y = list(values['6']),
name = 'Scatter',
mode = 'lines+markers'
layout_temperature = {
'title' : 'TEMPERATURE(in Celcius)',
'plot_bgcolor' : colors['GraphSpace'],
'paper_bgcolor' : colors['background'],
'font' : {'color': '#669999'},
'colorway' : ['#FFFF00'],
'xaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Mission Time',range = [min(X), max(X)]),
'yaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Temperature',range = [min(values['1']) - 0.03, max(values['1']) + 0.03])
layout_pressure = {
'title' : 'PRESSURE(in Pascals)',
'plot_bgcolor' : colors['GraphSpace'],
'paper_bgcolor' : colors['background'],
'font' : {'color': '#669999'},
'colorway' : ['#FFFF00'],
'xaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Mission Time',range = [min(X), max(X)]),
'yaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Pressure',range = [min(values['2']) - 0.03, max(values['2']) + 0.03])
layout_voltage = {
'title' : 'Voltage(in Volts)',
'plot_bgcolor' : colors['GraphSpace'],
'paper_bgcolor' : colors['background'],
'font' : {'color': '#669999'},
'colorway' : ['#FFFF00'],
'xaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Mission Time',range = [min(X), max(X)]),
'yaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Voltage',range = [min(values['3']) - 0.03, max(values['3']) + 0.03])
layout_altitude = {
'title' : 'ALTITUDE(in meters)',
'plot_bgcolor' : colors['GraphSpace'],
'paper_bgcolor' : colors['background'],
'font' : {'color': '#669999'},
'colorway' : ['#FFFF00'],
'xaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Mission Time',range = [min(X), max(X)]),
'yaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Altitude',range = [min(values['4']) - 0.03, max(values['4']) + 0.03])
layout_pitch = {
'title' : 'PITCH(in Radians)',
'plot_bgcolor' : colors['GraphSpace'],
'paper_bgcolor' : colors['background'],
'font' : {'color': '#669999'},
'colorway' : ['#FFFF00'],
'xaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Mission Time',range = [min(X), max(X)]),
'yaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Pitch',range = [min(values['5']) - 0.03, max(values['5']) + 0.03])
layout_roll = {
'title' : 'ROLL(in Radians)',
'plot_bgcolor' : colors['GraphSpace'],
'paper_bgcolor' : colors['background'],
'font' : {'color': '#669999'},
'colorway' : ['#FFFF00'],
'xaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Mission Time',range = [min(X), max(X)]),
'yaxis' : dict(linecolor = '#669999', linewidth = 2, title = 'Roll',range = [min(values['6']) - 0.03, max(values['6']) + 0.03])
temp = {'data':[data_temperature], 'layout': layout_temperature}
pres = {'data':[data_pressure],'layout': layout_pressure}
volt = {'data':[data_voltage],'layout': layout_voltage}
alti = {'data':[data_altitude],'layout': layout_altitude}
pitc = {'data':[data_pitch],'layout': layout_pitch}
roll = {'data':[data_roll],'layout': layout_roll}
return temp, pres, volt, alti, pitc, roll