App Callback for dropdown value when button is clicked

I’ve a dropdown options which populate the 1st value in the list when Dash is populated.

I created a Button such that when I click “Previous”, it will populate the (current value - 1) value in the dropdown value but I’m getting an error “TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: button_date_value() missing 2 required positional arguments: ‘available_options’ and ‘current’’”.

I’ve attached my code below. Please do let me know if I’m missing out something. Thank you!

app.layout = html.Div([
        options=options, value = options[0]["value"], style ={'width':'80%','display': 'inline-block'}
        dcc.Dropdown(id = "dates",style ={'width':'80%','display': 'inline-block'}),
    html.Button("Previous", id = "Previous", n_clicks = 0), html.Button("Next", id = "Next", n_clicks = 0),
    dcc.Dropdown(id = "models", style ={'width':'80%','display': 'inline-block'}),
    dcc.Graph(id="graph", style={"height": 800}),    

    dash.dependencies.Output("dates", "options"),
    [dash.dependencies.Input("dropdown", "value")])
def set_dates_options(selected_node):
    dates_model = [*models_changed[selected_node].keys()]
    to_return = [{"label": i, "value": i} for i in dates_model]
    return to_return

    dash.dependencies.Output("dates", "value"),
    [dash.dependencies.Input("dates", "options")])
def set_dates_value(available_options):
    return available_options[0]["value"]

    dash.dependencies.Output("dates", "value"),
    [dash.dependencies.Input("Previous", "n_clicks"),
     dash.dependencies.State("dates", "options"),
     dash.dependencies.State("dates", "value")])
def button_date_value(clicks, available_options, current):
    if clicks > 1:
        return available_options[current - 1]["value"]

in your code you have passed the Input and two State inside the same list.
your function can’t find those parameters as they are in a single list, just remove the list brackets or put the Inputs and State in different lists

    dash.dependencies.Output("dates", "value"),
    dash.dependencies.Input("Previous", "n_clicks"),
    dash.dependencies.State("dates", "options"),
    dash.dependencies.State("dates", "value")
def button_date_value(clicks, available_options, current):
    if clicks > 1:
        return available_options[current - 1]["value"]

@atharvakatre thanks but I’m still getting the same error after removing the list brackets or put the Input and State in different lists

Maybe if you could share your entire code I could reproduce the error and check it