I am no tech expert but have set up a python script based on some instructions and code I found elsewhere. It checks the temperature of each room on my evohome setting and posts that via API streams to plotly.
When I run it, I get a message saying it has worked, and I can see the plots have been created in my plot.ly account (one for each room), but there is no data despite the script appearing to work and post the new data points every 5 mins.
Can anyone give me some basic information as to where I am going wrong? Is there a setting I need to enable in Plotly or some way I need to change the script?
When I go into the graphs that have been created - they look blank and when I click on data, nothing is shown. This is despite the room temperatures all successfully being printed in the cmd prompt every 5 mins.
Thanks for any help you can give!
Here is the script:
> # Script to monitor and read temperatures from Honeywell EvoHome Web API and send them to Plotly
> # Load required libraries
> import requests
> import json
> import datetime
> import time
> import plotly
> import plotly.plotly as py
> import plotly.tools as tls
> import ConfigParser
> from plotly.graph_objs import *
> from evohomeclient2 import EvohomeClient
> #config
> Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
> Config.read("config.ini")
> Username = Config.get('Plotly', 'Username')
> APIkey = Config.get('Plotly', 'APIkey')
> # Sign in
> py.sign_in(Username, APIkey)
> stream_ids_array = []
> for name, value in Config.items('Rooms'):
> stream_ids_array.append(value)
> # Stream tokens from plotly
> tls.set_credentials_file(stream_ids=stream_ids_array)
> stream_ids = tls.get_credentials_file()['stream_ids']
> # Set your login details in the 2 fields below
> USERNAME = Config.get('Evohome', 'Username')
> PASSWORD = Config.get('Evohome', 'Password')
> try:
> client = EvohomeClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
> except ValueError:
> try:
> client = EvohomeClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
> except ValueError:
> print "Error when connecting to internet, please try again"
> # We make a plot for every room
> for device in client.temperatures():
> stream_id = Config.get('Rooms', device['id'])
> stream = Stream(
> token=stream_id,
> maxpoints=288
> )
> trace1 = Scatter(
> x=[],
> y=[],
> mode='lines+markers',
> line=Line(
> shape='spline'
> ),
> stream = stream
> )
> data = Data([trace1])
> layout = Layout(title=device['name'])
> fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
> url = py.plot(fig, filename=device['name'], fileopt='extend', auto_open=False)
> print "%s is available at %s" % (stream_id, url)
> # Infinite loop every 5 minutes, send temperatures to plotly
> while True:
> # Get current time and then send all thermostat readings to plotly
> try:
> client = EvohomeClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
> from datetime import datetime
> j=0
> for device in client.temperatures():
> stream_id = Config.get('Rooms', device['id'])
> j+=1
> s = py.Stream(stream_id)
> s.open()
> tijd = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
> if device['temp'] is None:
> print tijd + " : " + device['name'] + " has no temperature reading"
> else:
> temperatuur = float(device['temp'])
> print tijd + " : " + device['name'] + " " + str(temperatuur)
> s.write(dict(x=tijd ,y=temperatuur))
> s.close()
> print "Going to sleep for 5 minutes"
> time.sleep(300)
> except Exception, e:
> print "An error occured! Trying again in 15 seconds"
> print str(e)
> time.sleep(15)