Adjust width of individual funnel chart sections for label readability?

Is there a way to adjust the width of individual sections of the funnel chat? The funnel code below I adapted from here and at the bottom of the funnel output, you can’t read the labels because the last funnel section is too narrow. Is there a way to widen it?

fig <- plot_ly(height = 1200, width = 800,
    type = "funnel",
    name = 'Montreal',
    y = c("Website visit", "Downloads", "Potential customers", "Requested price", "invoice sent", "Finalized"),
    x = c(120, 60, 30, 20, 10, 5),
    textinfo = "value+percent initial") 
fig <- fig %>%
        type = "funnel",
        name = 'Toronto',
        orientation = "h",
        y = c("Website visit", "Downloads", "Potential customers", "Requested price", "invoice sent", "Finalized"),
        x = c(100, 60, 40, 30, 20, 10),
        textposition = "inside",
        textinfo = "value+percent previous") 
fig <- fig %>%
        type = "funnel",
        name = 'Vancouver',
        orientation = "h",
        y = c("Website visit", "Downloads", "Potential customers", "Requested price", "invoice sent", "Finalized"),
        x = c(90, 70, 50, 30, 10, 5),
        textposition = "outside",
        textinfo = "value+percent total") 
fig <- fig %>%
    layout(yaxis = list(categoryarray = c("Website visit", "Downloads", "Potential customers", "Requested price", "invoice sent", "Finalized")))
