Add Trace to Heatmap with Graph Objects

Hi all. Iā€™m trying to create a heatmap but want to assign different color scales for each category. I thought building with Plotly Graph Objects would be the best bet. However, Iā€™m running into a strange problem where it creates a third x-dimension category in my heatmap:

Does anyone have any insight on how to fix this? My code is below:

test = go.Figure(
        z = [[3], [5], [3], [8]], 
        y = ['topic a', 'topic b', 'topic c', 'topic d'], 
        x = ['Republican Support'],
        colorscale = 'reds',
        showscale = False,

        z = [[2], [7], [9], [3]], 
        y = ['topic a', 'topic b', 'topic c', 'topic d'], 
        x = ['Democrat Support'],
        colorscale = 'blues',
        showscale = False,