Add Checkbox in a Dash Datatable

Hi all,

I made some changes to the code to use checkboxes into a datatable that I think is easy to understand.

First example adds a first column with empty checkbox and when the user select/unselect any box it shows the selected/unselected information for that row and change the figure (emoji).

Note that if the user select anything outside the boxes nothing hapens.

First show the table with unselected checkboxes:

Then some box rows has been selected by the user:

And finally one selected box is unselected:

Here is the code:

import dash
import pandas as pd
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_table
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate

# 1) this is needed to use emojis:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# table from Yahoo Finance
# define URL
urlyahoo = ''
tables = pd.read_html(urlyahoo)
losers = pd.DataFrame(tables[0])
# Drop the columns that do not matters
losers.drop(['Volume', 'Avg Vol (3 month)', 'PE Ratio (TTM)', '52 Week Range'], axis='columns', inplace=True)
losers.columns = ['Symbol','Company Name','Price', 'Change', '% Change', 'Mkt Cap']
# 2) add first column with empty boxes:
losers.insert(0, 'Select', '⬜') 

# create the tables to show the inforamtion
table = html.Div([
        columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in losers.columns],
        style_as_list_view= True,
            {'if': {'state': 'active'},'backgroundColor': 'white', 'border': '1px solid white'},
            {'if': {'column_id': 'Company Name'}, 'textAlign': 'left', 'text-indent': '10px', 'width':100},
        fixed_rows={'headers': True},
        style_data={"font-size" : "14px", 'width': 15, "background":"white", 'text-align': 'center'},

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# Layout of the page:
app.layout = html.Div([
    html.H2("Today's Company Losers"),
    html.H4("Select a Symbol", id="Message1"),
    html.Div(table, style={'width':'60%'})

# Callback
@app.callback(Output("Message1", "children"),
              Output("table", "data"),
              [Input('table', 'active_cell'),
               State('table', 'data')])
def update_loosers(cell,  data):
    # If there is not selection:
    if not cell:
        raise PreventUpdate
        # 3) If the user select a box of the "Select" column:
        if cell["column_id"] == 'Select':
            # takes info for some columns in the row selected
            symbol_selected = data[cell["row"]]["Symbol"]
            company_selected = data[cell["row"]]["Company Name"]
            message = "Last Symbol selected: - "+symbol_selected+" - Company Name:   "+company_selected
            # 4) Change the figure of the box selected
            if data[cell["row"]]["Select"] == '⬜':
                data[cell["row"]]["Select"] = '✅'
                # 5) if the user unselect the selected box:
                data[cell["row"]]["Select"] = '⬜'
                message = "The Symbol: - "+symbol_selected+" - Company Name:   "+company_selected+" has been unselected"
        # if other column is selected do nothing:
             raise PreventUpdate

        return message, data

if __name__ == "__main__":

In the second example doesn’t matter wich column the user selects (except for the first one):

First it shows the table with empty checkboxes:

After some checkboxes are selected:

And when any selected box are unselected:

Here is the code:

import dash
import pandas as pd
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_table
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate

# 1) this is needed to use emojis:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# # table with task and employees
# df_selection = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Row','Column'])
# df_selection.to_csv('last_selected.csv')

# 2) table with task and employees with unselected boxes
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Task', 'Employee 1', 'Employee 2', 'Employee 3', 'Employee 4', 'Employee 5', 'Employee 6', 'Employee 7',
                             'Employee 8'])
df['Task']= ["Task 1 ", "Task 2", "Task 3", "Task 4"]
df['Employee 1'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']
df['Employee 2'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']
df['Employee 3'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']
df['Employee 4'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']
df['Employee 5'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']
df['Employee 6'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']
df['Employee 7'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']
df['Employee 8'] = ['⬜','⬜','⬜','⬜']

# create the tables to show the inforamtion:
table = html.Div([
        columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in df.columns],
        {'if': {'state': 'active'},'backgroundColor': 'white', 'border': '1px solid white'},
        style_as_list_view= True,
        column_selectable= 'single',
        style_data={"font-size" : "14px", 'width': 15, "background":"white", 'text-align': 'center'},

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# Layout of the page:
app.layout = html.Div([
    html.H2("Employees Tasks"),
    html.H4("All Tasks are empty", id="Message1"),
    html.Div(table, style={'width':'60%'}),

# Callbacks
@app.callback(Output("Message1", "children"),
              Output("table", "data"),
              [Input('table', 'active_cell'),
               State('table', 'data')])
def update_loosers(cell, data):
    # If there is not selection:
    if not cell:
        raise PreventUpdate
        # If the user select a box:
        # 3) takes the info for the row and column selected
        row_selected = cell["row"]
        row_name = data[row_selected]["Task"]
        column_selected =cell["column"]
        column_name =cell["column_id"]
        message = "Check a box"
        # 4) Change the figure of the box selected
        if data[row_selected][column_name] == '✅':
                data[row_selected][column_name] = '⬜'
                message = "The "+row_name+" of the "+column_name+" has been unselected"
        elif data[row_selected][column_name] == '⬜':
                  data[row_selected][column_name] = '✅'
                  message = "The "+row_name+" of the "+column_name+" has been completed"

        return message, data

if __name__ == "__main__":


Very nice! Love the usage of active_cell

1 Like

Hey everyone! Was just wondering whether there might be any plans to add a more native solution that would work with something like dbc.Checklist or dbc.Checkbox within Dash DataTables? Would make it much easier + cleaner for me to create an administrative user management dashboard if that were possible. I could probably create an ok experience with datatables if I created a callback with active row and some kind of modal but I would definitely prefer being able to just toggle the user roles using checkbox items. Thanks!

Hi @Eduardo

Very cool trick, but when sorting is enabled for columns in the datatable the callback updates the checkbox of the wrong row.

checkbox in datatable when sorting enabled

Can you suggest any fix or modifications to the callback for this behaviour?