I am trying to build an interactive video player, but I am not able to access the DOM elements using Javascript. Here’s my Javascript code in assets.
Preformatted text
var vid = document.getElementById("video-display");
var bar = document.getElementById("bar");
vid.addEventListener('click',play, false);
bar.addEventListener('click',update, false);
bar.addEventListener('click',seek, false);
function play() {
if(vid.paused) { vid.play(); } else { vid.pause(); }
function update() {
var pct = vid.currentTime/vid.duration*100;
bar.style.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #500 "+pct+"%, #000 "+pct+"%)";
function search() {
coords = bar.getBoundingClientRect()
var s = document.createElement("span");
s.style.left = ((895/vid.duration*vid.offsetWidth-2)/vid.offsetWidth)*100+"%";
function seek(e) {
coords = bar.getBoundingClientRect()
vid.currentTime = ((e.pageX-coords.x)*(vid.duration/vid.offsetWidth));
if(vid.paused) { vid.play(); }
I am getting error-
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of null at vid.addEventListener(‘click’,play, false);