Accessing dash element Props on client side

Is there a way to have javascript/css access the properties of dash elements on the client side?

My use case is that I would like to style some elements based on the number of times they were clicked using client side code (i.e. avoiding firing a callback)

I could tie my own click event and keep a counter, but since these are Dash elements and Dash is already doing that (dash-html-components , and that I’m actually relying on n_clicks inside some other callbacks, I figured it would be better to use the n_clicks property from dash/react.

I found a way to get the data as follow:

d = document.getElementById('myElementId')

However that seems a bit hackish to have to access the internal state in that fashion, not to mention needing to figure out the $xxxx id everytime.

Is there a more elegant/robust way to do that?


running into this issue again. Any chance someone could help?

In particular, I am writing some JS that I’d like to read properties from some plots as well as the dcc.Store object.


Hi zoohair,

Did you ever find a better solution?

And how did you go about getting the $XXXXX value?

Hi @HSpiegel

Why do you need to modify the css style without using a callback?

Did you ever get a solution on this one?

I ended up writing a function which returns the attribute that I care about. For example, in the code below I wanted to get access to the setProps function to trigger a callback manually.

[RegionSelectorSetter , _unused ] = findAttribute(document.getElementById('RegionSelector'), 'setProps')
RegionSelectorSetter({value: data['region']})

In my original question I’d have found the n_clicks property with something like:

 findAttribute(document.getElementById('myElementId'), 'n_clicks')
//Adapted from:
function findAttribute(object, key) {
    var value;
    var path;
    Object.keys(object).some(function(k) {
        if (k === key) {
            value = object[k];
            path = k + '.' + path
            return true;
        if (k.indexOf('__reactInternalInstance') == -1 //_reacInternal is annoyingly recursive?
            && object[k] 
            && typeof object[k] === 'object' 
            && object.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
            [value, path] = findAttribute(object[k], key);
            if(value !== undefined) {path = k + '.' + path}
            return value !== undefined;

    return [value, path];

The more Dash-y way to do this would be to use a clientside callback with a dummy output.

For instance with the button changing color based on the number of clicks:

In Python

    ClientsideFunction(namespace="clientside", function_name="styleButtonClicks"),
    output=Output("button_id", "data-dummy"),
    inputs=[Input("button_id", "n_clicks"), State("button_id", "id")]

And in assets/scripts.js

if (!window.dash_clientside) {
    window.dash_clientside = {};

window.dash_clientside.clientside = {
    styleButtonClicks: function(n_clicks, id) {
        var button = document.getElementById(id)
        if (n_clicks <= 1) {
   = "green"
        } else if (n_clicks <= 3) {
   = "yellow"
        } else (n_clicks <= 3) {
   = "red"

Note: I did it with a dummy output in the example to show that you can do it but in this case you could update the style attribute of the button in the clientside callback.


Dash added clientside callbacks in 2019 (clientside callback interface by chriddyp · Pull Request #672 · plotly/dash · GitHub) which makes this much cleaner than my hack back in 2018 :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for providing an example @RenaudLN

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@zoohair does your initial suggestion to get the setProps function still work? Should I be able to use this on an input field too?