I used the example presented here https://plot.ly/python/3d-filled-line-plots/ to plot a Scatter3d line.
My issue is that it seems that plotly “closes” the polygone with a straight line, instead of defining the limit of the surface as the “top” z-values.
Is there a property to change this, or is it normal ?
One picture to highlight the issue:
My traces object are defined this way:
...}), Scatter3d({
'line': {'color': 'black', 'width': 4},
'mode': 'lines',
'name': 'itemB',
'surfaceaxis': 0,
'surfacecolor': '#f2ae9c',
'x': [itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB,
itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB,
itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB, itemB],
'y': [31-Mar-2018, 30-Apr-2018, 31-May-2018, 30-Jun-2018, 31-Jul-2018,
31-Aug-2018, 30-Sep-2018, 31-Oct-2018, 30-Nov-2018, 31-Dec-2018,
31-Jan-2019, 31-Jan-2019, 31-Dec-2018, 30-Nov-2018, 31-Oct-2018,
30-Sep-2018, 31-Aug-2018, 31-Jul-2018, 30-Jun-2018, 31-May-2018,
30-Apr-2018, 31-Mar-2018, 31-Mar-2018],
'z': [1487, 2056, 2680, 4127, 4347, 4843, 7047, 7306, 8046, 10173, 10432, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1487]
}), Scatter3d({
'line': {'color': 'black', 'width': 4},
'mode': 'lines',
'name': 'itemA',
'surfaceaxis': 0,
'surfacecolor': '#cc0000',
'x': [itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA,
itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA,
itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA, itemA],
'y': [31-Mar-2018, 30-Apr-2018, 31-May-2018, 30-Jun-2018, 31-Jul-2018,
31-Aug-2018, 30-Sep-2018, 31-Oct-2018, 30-Nov-2018, 31-Dec-2018,
31-Jan-2019, 31-Jan-2019, 31-Dec-2018, 30-Nov-2018, 31-Oct-2018,
30-Sep-2018, 31-Aug-2018, 31-Jul-2018, 30-Jun-2018, 31-May-2018,
30-Apr-2018, 31-Mar-2018, 31-Mar-2018],
'z': [1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 7, 8, 11, 15, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]