3d bubble/scatter chart - change axis names and attributes based on updatemenus


I am working on a 3d bubble chart and I have updatemenus with the method ‘update’ to refresh the data and the layout of the chart. I want the name of z-axis to change for each updatemenu and a different value for ‘d-tick’ but I cannot manage it…
I tried the solution from this forum (for 2d scatter: Changing the xy-Axis Titles with Dropdown Menu)

Here is my code:
defining 3 traces, etc…

updatemenus = list([
                 args=[{'visible': [True, False, False]},
                       {'title': 'return_b',
                        'xaxis': {'title': 'quality_x'},
                        'yaxis': {'title': 'quality_y'},
                        'zaxis': {
                            'title': 'return_b',
                            'dtick': 0.3,
                            'tickformat': ',.2%',
                            'backgroundcolor': 'rgb(220, 220, 220)',
                            'gridcolor': 'rgb(180, 180, 180)',
                            'showbackground': True,
                            'zerolinecolor': 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
                 args=[{'visible': [False, True, False]},
                       {'title': 'return_net',
                        'xaxis': {'title': 'quality_x'},
                        'yaxis': {'title': 'quality_y'},
                        'zaxis': {
                            'title': 'return_net_z',
                            'dtick': 0.01,
                            'tickformat': ',.2%',
                            'backgroundcolor': 'rgb(220, 220, 220)',
                            'gridcolor': 'rgb(180, 180, 180)',
                            'showbackground': True,
                            'zerolinecolor': 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
            dict(label='discount factor',
                 args=[{'visible': [False, False, True]},
                       {'title': 'discount factor',
                        'xaxis': {'title': 'quality_x'},
                        'yaxis': {'title': 'quality_y'},
                        'zaxis': {
                            'title': 'discount factor',
                            'dtick': 0.005,
                            'tickformat': ',.2%',
                            'backgroundcolor': 'rgb(220, 220, 220)',
                            'gridcolor': 'rgb(180, 180, 180)',
                            'showbackground': True,
                            'zerolinecolor': 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'

layout = go.Layout(updatemenus=updatemenus)
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='3d-bubble-return.html')

the result is strange: I have all the arguments in the updatemenu list/dictionary to update the layout but it seems to have no effect on the chart. Could anyone please give me a feedback on my problem?

Thank you very much!

@robrados, The updatemenus worked for me except I had to change xaxis, yaxis, and zaxis to scene.xaxis, scene.yaxis, and scene.zaxis. We need to use layout.scene since this is a 3d graph and the 3d specific attributes are all located there.

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Hi Michael

Thank you very much for your quick reply and solution, it worked for me! :smiley: