Y Value of Bars in a Bar Chart (and Sending Tags to an HTML.H2 Component)

Awesome, I love easy solutions, thanks! I still need an f-string for my python variables but mixing dash vars (or whatever these are called) with an f-string was not a problem:

fig_bar.update_traces(hovertemplate=<br>%{y}<br> killed per<br> million in' + f'{state}'

I’m Still not sure how to return tags that format the text with it (I’ve got the callback and output set up already). I just want to do this, but it treats the html tag as part of the literal text when I return it to the component:
text = 'Great News: ' + '<br />There were no hispanics were killed in STATE!'
By contrast, putting basic html tags in my hovertemplate text works great.

I found this post which suggests 2 options: a) dcc.Markdown(), which I can’t use; or b) dangerously-set-inner-html. I’m hoping there’s a more dash-friendly way to do this…