Y axis range not setting

I am having trouble getting the ranging for Y axis to work. Have tried various combinations but not working.
Want to set Y axis to 0.08 and 0.4. Any guidance I can get would be most appreciated. Paste code below with the part related to range issue.

@app.callback(Output(‘live-graph’, ‘figure’),
[Input(‘interval-component’, ‘n_intervals’)])
def update_graph(n_intervals):
df_data_to_chart = pd.read_csv(r’C:\Users\shadm\PycharmProjects\ExchangeProj\XXRPZEUR_Crypto_Price.csv’)
df = df_data_to_chart
return { ‘data’: [{
‘x’: df.index,
‘open’: df[‘Open’],
‘high’: df[‘High’],
‘low’: df[‘Low’],
‘close’: df[‘Close’],
‘type’: ‘candlestick’,
‘name’: crypto_ticker,
‘legendgroup’: crypto_ticker,
‘increasing’: {‘line’: {‘color’: ‘#17BECF’}},
‘decreasing’: {‘line’: {‘color’: ‘#808080’}}
‘layout’: {
‘margin’: {‘b’: 0, ‘r’: 10, ‘l’: 60, ‘t’: 0},
‘legend’: {‘x’: 0},
#‘yaxis’: {‘rangemode’: ‘tozero’}
#‘yaxis’: {‘rangemode’: ‘normal’, range: [0.08,0.4], ‘autorange’: False}
#‘yaxis’: {‘rangemode’: [min(df[‘Low’]) - 0.2 * min(df[‘Low’]), max(df[‘High’]) + 1.2 * min(df[‘High’])]}
‘yaxis’: {range: [0.08,0.4]}

Hi I finally got it, changed rangemode to range and worked

‘yaxis’: {‘range’: [min(df[‘Low’]) - 0.2 * min(df[‘Low’]), max(df[‘High’]) + 1.2 * min(df[‘High’])]}