Y-axis auto-ranging auto-scaling based on the values of that range of time

I believe this is a long-requested feature and I think this is the overarching bug:

Axis auto-range improvements · Issue #1876 · plotly/plotly.js (github.com)

Also for reference:

Update y-axis range when x-axis rangeslider is used · Issue #912 · plotly/plotly.R (github.com)

Rescale y-axis for graphs with x-axis rangeslider (Python) · Issue #932 · plotly/plotly.py (github.com)

Also this thread:

I had to implement my own solution using buttons and the relayout method mentioned on the last thread, but it is driving me to move to another library like Bokeh instead of Plotly. With how long these bugs have been open, I’m not sure when they will get traction/sponsorship.

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