I realized something with go.bar.
As you see, on x axis there must be “x_variables” but some of them looks like integer and plotly go act like this. Why 
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
df=pd.DataFrame({"x_variables":['94508', 'a0780', 'b8360', '19c35', '80021', '77593'],
btrace1 = go.Bar(
btrace2 = go.Bar(
bdata = [btrace1, btrace2]
blayout = go.Layout(
barp = go.Figure(data=bdata, layout=blayout)
My graph is this. You can check with codes.

Now i realisez this:
- If i update x axises like this
there is no problem an I can see my graph like I expected. But this is not the one I want. Because I have a live stream data and I have so much unique id (like in the x axis). And this type of things could not be good for dashboard.
If you have any other option, I wanna hear this.
Hi again,
I didnt solve this issue but I have new question.
I have other 10 variables. And I wanna see as hover info some of them.
My go.bar structure is same as top. And i use this for 1 variable info and it work well.
i add this to both of the traces. But when i tried this:
It is not working. I want some advice.
Regarding your initial question, if you upgrade to plotly
version 4.14 the axis auto-detection code should do what you expect.
Regarding your other question, you can use px.bar(df, x="var", y="var", hover_data=["var", "var", "var"])
to do this more easily than having to build up your chart from go.Bar()
Thanks for answer. But second answer didn’t work well. Because my graph is looks like top.
I have 2 traces, and i use them both with stack bar. I use for this go.Figure(data=data,layout=layout) data=[trace1,trace2] and both my traces are created with go.Bar.
So I’m trying to say, my structure “go” based. If i make one of them with “px” my structure boom.
If you have an advice. I want to hear this.