Why Pivot chart is comig as a straight line when using Plotly.Expected is a Zig Zag chart

I need to plot a pivot chart from a multi-indexed pivot table. This is my pivot table description " multi_index = pd.pivot_table(df_new, index = [‘Device_ID’, ‘Temp’ ,‘Supply’],columns = ‘Frequency’, values = ‘NoiseLevel’,)"

I used Plotly at that time it is coming as a single straight line. I am expecting two zig-zag lines one for frequency 0.8 and the other for 1.6 as shown in the first figure. could you please tell me where I went wrong? please see my code below. I don’t know where I need to put the “columns = ‘Frequency’” I think it needs to come at Y axis. Please see my dta frame below(Pivot Table)

Frequency                  0.8     1.6
Device_ID Temp  Supply                
FF_2649   -40.0 1.65   -100.72 -101.35
                1.71   -100.61 -101.74
                1.80   -100.74 -101.64
                1.89   -100.63 -101.69
                3.60   -100.60 -101.46
...                        ...     ...
TT_2441    85.0 1.65    -94.99  -94.97
                1.71    -94.85  -95.24
                1.80    -95.02  -94.97
                1.89    -94.69  -96.20
                3.60    -94.90  -94.91

My code is given below.

name='Noise Level'
layout=go.Layout(title='Noise Level')

I am expecting two line charts one for Frequency 0.8 and other for frequency 1.6 .