Hi there,
I wrapped a custom component from here, but it doesn’t seem to work. Does anyone know why?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import LazyLoad from 'react-lazyload';
import { omit } from "ramda";
* ExampleComponent is an example component.
* It takes a property, `label`, and
* displays it.
* It renders an input with the property `value`
* which is editable by the user.
export default class Lazyload extends Component {
render() {
const { class_name, children } = this.props;
return (
{...omit(["setProps", "children", "class_name"], this.props)}
</LazyLoad >
Lazyload.defaultProps = {
once: false,
offset: 0,
scroll: true,
resize: false,
overflow: false,
unmountIfInvisible: false,
classNamePrefix: 'lazyload'
Lazyload.propTypes = {
* The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks.
id: PropTypes.string,
* Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties
class_name: PropTypes.string,
* Type: Node Default: undefined
* **NOTICE**
* Only one child is allowed to be passed.
children: PropTypes.node,
* Type: String/DOM node Default: undefined
* Pass a query selector string or DOM node. LazyLoad will attach to the window object's scroll events *if no container is passed.
scrollContainer: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.string]),
* Type: Number/String Default: undefined
* In the first round of render, LazyLoad will render a placeholder for your component if no *placeholder is provided and measure if this component is visible. Set `height` properly will make *LazyLoad calculate more precisely. The value can be number or string like `'100%'`. You can also *use css to set the height of the placeholder instead of using `height`.
height: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),
* Type: Bool Default: false
* Once the lazy loaded component is loaded, do not detect scroll/resize event anymore. Useful for *images or simple components.
once: PropTypes.bool,
* Type: Number/Array(Number) Default: 0
* Say if you want to preload a component even if it's 100px below the viewport (user have to scroll *100px more to see this component), you can set `offset` props to `100`. On the other hand, if you *want to delay loading a component even if it's top edge has already appeared at viewport, set *`offset` to negative number.
* Library supports horizontal lazy load out of the box. So when you provide this prop with number *like `100` it will automatically set left edge offset to `100` and top edge to `100`;
* If you provide this prop with array like `[100, 200]`, it will set left edge offset to `100` and *top offset to `200`.
offset: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.array]),
* Type: Bool Default: true
* Listen and react to scroll event.
scroll: PropTypes.bool,
* Type: Bool Default: false
* Respond to `resize` event, set it to `true` if you do need LazyLoad listen resize event.
* **NOTICE** If you tend to support legacy IE, set this props carefully, refer to [this question]* (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1852751/window-resize-event-firing-in-internet-explorer) for *further reading.
resize: PropTypes.bool,
* Type: Bool Default: false
* If lazy loading components inside a overflow container, set this to `true`. Also make sure a *`position` property other than `static` has been set to your overflow container.
* [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/overflow)
overflow: PropTypes.bool,
* Type: Any Default: undefined
* Specify a placeholder for your lazy loaded component.
* [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/placeholder)
***If you provide your own placeholder, do remember add appropriate `height` or `minHeight` to your *placeholder element for better lazyload performance.**
placeholder: PropTypes.any,
* Type: Bool Default: false
* The lazy loaded component is unmounted and replaced by the placeholder when it is no longer visible *in the viewport.
unmountIfInvisible: PropTypes.bool,
* Type: Bool / Number Default: undefined
* Lazyload will try to use [passive event](https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/ gh-pages/*explainer.md) by default to improve scroll/resize event handler's performance. If you prefer *control this behaviour by yourself, you can set `debounce` or `throttle` to enable built in delay *feature.
* If you provide a number, that will be how many `ms` to wait; if you provide `true`, the wait time *defaults to `300ms`.
* **NOTICE** Set `debounce` / `throttle` to all lazy loaded components unanimously, if you don't, the *first occurrence is respected.
* [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/debounce)
debounce: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.bool]),
* Type: Bool / Number Default: undefined
* Lazyload will try to use [passive event](https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/ gh-pages/*explainer.md) by default to improve scroll/resize event handler's performance. If you prefer *control this behaviour by yourself, you can set `debounce` or `throttle` to enable built in delay *feature.
* If you provide a number, that will be how many `ms` to wait; if you provide `true`, the wait time *defaults to `300ms`.
* **NOTICE** Set `debounce` / `throttle` to all lazy loaded components unanimously, if you don't, the *first occurrence is respected.
* [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/debounce)
throttle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.bool]),
* Type: String Default: `lazyload`
* While rendering, Lazyload will add some elements to the component tree in addition to the wrapped *component children.
* The `classNamePrefix` prop allows the user to supply their own custom class prefix to help:
* # Avoid class conflicts on an implementing app
* # Allow easier custom styling
* These being:
* # A wrapper div, which is present at all times (default )
classNamePrefix: PropTypes.string,
* Type: Object Default: undefined
* Similar to [classNamePrefix](#classNamePrefix), the `style` prop allows users to pass custom CSS *styles to wrapper div.
style: PropTypes.object
import dash_lazyload
from dash import Input, Output, html, dcc, Dash
import plotly.express as px
app = Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div(
for i in range(50)
style=dict(height=600, overflow="auto"),
if __name__ == "__main__":
Please help me, and @AnnMarieW said this would be a great topic for the forum. Thanks in advance!