What am I missing?

Hi there,

I wrapped a custom component from here, but it doesn’t seem to work. Does anyone know why?

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import LazyLoad from 'react-lazyload';
import { omit } from "ramda";

 * ExampleComponent is an example component.
 * It takes a property, `label`, and
 * displays it.
 * It renders an input with the property `value`
 * which is editable by the user.
export default class Lazyload extends Component {
    render() {
        const { class_name, children } = this.props;

        return (
                {...omit(["setProps", "children", "class_name"], this.props)}
            </LazyLoad >

Lazyload.defaultProps = {
    once: false,
    offset: 0,
    scroll: true,
    resize: false,
    overflow: false,
    unmountIfInvisible: false,
    classNamePrefix: 'lazyload'

Lazyload.propTypes = {
     * The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks.
    id: PropTypes.string,

    * Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties
    class_name: PropTypes.string,

    * Type: Node Default: undefined
    * **NOTICE**
    * Only one child is allowed to be passed.
    children: PropTypes.node,

    * Type: String/DOM node Default: undefined
    * Pass a query selector string or DOM node. LazyLoad will attach to the window object's scroll  events *if no container is passed.
    scrollContainer: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.string]),

    * Type: Number/String Default: undefined
    * In the first round of render, LazyLoad will render a placeholder for your component if no  *placeholder is provided and measure if this component is visible. Set `height` properly will make  *LazyLoad calculate more precisely. The value can be number or string like `'100%'`. You can also  *use css to set the height of the placeholder instead of using `height`.
    height: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),

    * Type: Bool Default: false
    * Once the lazy loaded component is loaded, do not detect scroll/resize event anymore. Useful for  *images or simple components.
    once: PropTypes.bool,

    * Type: Number/Array(Number) Default: 0
    * Say if you want to preload a component even if it's 100px below the viewport (user have to scroll  *100px more to see this component), you can set `offset` props to `100`. On the other hand, if you  *want to delay loading a component even if it's top edge has already appeared at viewport, set  *`offset` to negative number.
    * Library supports horizontal lazy load out of the box. So when you provide this prop with number  *like `100` it will automatically set left edge offset to `100` and top edge to `100`;
    * If you provide this prop with array like `[100, 200]`, it will set left edge offset to `100` and  *top offset to `200`.
    offset: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.array]),

    * Type: Bool Default: true
    * Listen and react to scroll event.
    scroll: PropTypes.bool,

    * Type: Bool Default: false
    * Respond to `resize` event, set it to `true` if you do need LazyLoad listen resize event.
    * **NOTICE** If you tend to support legacy IE, set this props carefully, refer to [this question]* (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1852751/window-resize-event-firing-in-internet-explorer) for  *further reading.
    resize: PropTypes.bool,

    * Type: Bool Default: false
    * If lazy loading components inside a overflow container, set this to `true`. Also make sure a  *`position` property other than `static` has been set to your overflow container.
    * [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/overflow)
    overflow: PropTypes.bool,

    * Type: Any Default: undefined
    * Specify a placeholder for your lazy loaded component.
    * [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/placeholder)
    ***If you provide your own placeholder, do remember add appropriate `height` or `minHeight` to your  *placeholder element for better lazyload performance.**
    placeholder: PropTypes.any,

    * Type: Bool Default: false
    * The lazy loaded component is unmounted and replaced by the placeholder when it is no longer  visible *in the viewport.
    unmountIfInvisible: PropTypes.bool,

    * Type: Bool / Number Default: undefined
    * Lazyload will try to use [passive event](https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/ gh-pages/*explainer.md) by default to improve scroll/resize event handler's performance. If you  prefer *control this behaviour by yourself, you can set `debounce` or `throttle` to enable built in  delay *feature.
    * If you provide a number, that will be how many `ms` to wait; if you provide `true`, the wait time  *defaults to `300ms`.
    * **NOTICE** Set `debounce` / `throttle` to all lazy loaded components unanimously, if you don't,  the *first occurrence is respected.
    * [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/debounce)
    debounce: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.bool]),

    * Type: Bool / Number Default: undefined
    * Lazyload will try to use [passive event](https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/ gh-pages/*explainer.md) by default to improve scroll/resize event handler's performance. If you  prefer *control this behaviour by yourself, you can set `debounce` or `throttle` to enable built in  delay *feature.
    * If you provide a number, that will be how many `ms` to wait; if you provide `true`, the wait time  *defaults to `300ms`.
    * **NOTICE** Set `debounce` / `throttle` to all lazy loaded components unanimously, if you don't,  the *first occurrence is respected.
    * [demo](https://twobin.github.io/react-lazyload/examples/#/debounce)
    throttle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.bool]),

    * Type: String Default: `lazyload`
    * While rendering, Lazyload will add some elements to the component tree in addition to the wrapped  *component children.
    * The `classNamePrefix` prop allows the user to supply their own custom class prefix to help:
    *    # Avoid class conflicts on an implementing app
    *    # Allow easier custom styling
    * These being:
    *    # A wrapper div, which is present at all times (default )
    classNamePrefix: PropTypes.string,

    * Type: Object Default: undefined
    * Similar to [classNamePrefix](#classNamePrefix), the `style` prop allows users to pass custom CSS  *styles to wrapper div. 
    style: PropTypes.object

import dash_lazyload
from dash import Input, Output, html, dcc, Dash
import plotly.express as px

app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div(
        for i in range(50)
    style=dict(height=600, overflow="auto"),

if __name__ == "__main__":

Please help me, and @AnnMarieW said this would be a great topic for the forum. Thanks in advance!

Any errors?

If you replace <LazyLoad with e.g. <div> does it work?

No errors. I can successfully generate the Dash component, but it doesn’t lazily load and the content is rendered all at once.

Does it work if you do it all in react? Like pass 50 images into the react render code and remove the props

Sorry, I overlooked two important properties. It works now. Then I’m going to find a somewhere to make a PR. :yum:

import dash_lazyload
from dash import Input, Output, html, dcc, Dash
import plotly.express as px

app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div(
        for i in range(50)

if __name__ == "__main__":
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sweet!! looks like an awesome component

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