Visual vocabulary made with Vizro and Plotly

Thanks @adamschroeder! Really appreciate the feedback! We were already considering those two points—you might have noticed them in the code comments, haha.

We deprioritized them for the first iteration, but I’ll move them up the list now. You make some great points. We also want this dashboard to be useful for people even if they don’t use Vizro, so I definitely see the value of a separate tab with just the Plotly code as you suggested :+1:

@PipInstallPython - love that idea! :blue_heart: I would actually love to have these dynamic props because I often need to lookup the syntax for the same post-update calls again. I did see that functionality in the latest Plotly product survey, which I thought was super helpful! They were asking for opinions whether such a view might be helpful. So who knows, maybe this is coming soon from Plotly? :eyes: