Vertical Time series data

Is it possible to plot time series data vertically on a scatter plot? I am able to do this with markers alone, but not with markers+lines on a scatter plot.

Thank you in advance.

@bot What have you tried so far? Have you tried specifying the mode as ‘markers+lines’?

@chiaramdelucia I am just trying lines because that is all I want. But the lines connect the data horizontally (along the X-Axis). I want the lines to be drawn vertically between points with time one the Y-Axis and the value along the X-Axis.

I am looking for similar behavior to the horizontal bar charts, but for a scatter plot. (

@bot I’m not sure I understand exactly what you, unfortunately. Do you want the lines drawn like this:

@chiaramdelucia I am looking for something like in this figure


I am sorry I am having trouble explaining, but I want a normal line plot, but rotatated 90 degrees.

Ah. I think this is just a matter of the axis range. I updated this pen

Notice that the x-axis in layout has a much larger range than the points so that the data is visualized in a vertical manner.

@chiaramdelucia Thank you for helping me! Ends up it has been working all along, but I was so zoomed out that the data looked bad. So I do not have any problem.

I added a fill and it made the plot a lot more clear on what was going on.

Sorry for wasting your time.

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Not a waste at all. I got some good stuff out of the process myself :slight_smile: Glad it’s all worked out!

Yes, I think this is possible. The process is quite long, and difficult, however I am trying to explain. After the selection of all the data in scatter chat, click in the insert tab. and after that select the scatter graph. Then on the design option, just add the required data and give final output.
Source: College Essay