Vertical line on hover in all subplots

What is the error you are getting, or are you getting an error? Your first function has four Inputs but only three function parameters.

Maybe you could use State('oi_graphs','figure) as an input to display_hover_data.
When the hoverData is updated:

  • check if the y data for the last thing in the figure’s data list has identical items (i.e. y[0]==y[-1], i.e. there’s already a vertical line)
  • if it does, just pop it off the end of the list
  • add a go.Scatter(marker=dict(...,mode='line') to the list of data at the hoverData's x coordinate with x and y vertical like in How do i plot vertical line over a timeseries curve in plotly?
  • return the new figure with the new vertical line

Using subplots make this harder, but I think the general idea would work, and it should be relatively fast.