Using Plotly for displaying missing data

Hi all,
I will appreciate any ideas of presenting missing data using Plotly.
I worked with missingno
(missingno - Visualize Missing Data in Python)
but Plotly isn’t able to make it as interactive graph as its basic graphs.
Consider the case where you want to present missing packets between a server and a client.
Please advise,

In line charts, look up the “connectgaps” property. in the datatable, view the conditional formatting chapter re empty cells. if you want to draw bands, view the “shapes” property of plotly figures.

Looks like a good direction!
Thank you chriddyp!

Can you send a link with an example? Thank you

Welcome to the forum @Aminadac :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you @chriddyp :grin:
What I am looking for is :

is there a way to create matrix chart exactly like missingno library in plotly? I’m struggling to make it possible in plotly

Here’s the missingno library missingno - Visualize Missing Data in Python

Maybe try a heatmap?

Is there at all a way to just input the whole missingno plot ( or any plot of type: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot) at all? Since the mpl_to_plotly is deprecated?