I just wonder if it is possible to use children property of a html.Div as Input or State of Callback. Specifically, is it possible to do the following:
@app.callback(Output(‘input3’, ‘value’), [Input(‘div_id’, ‘children’)])
def display_graphs(values):
#some code to create something that match some_property
return something
@app.callback(Output(‘input3’, ‘value’), [Input(‘buttonid’,‘n_clicks’)],[State(‘div_id’, ‘children’)])
def display_graphs(values):
#some code to create something that match some_property
return something
The dash has the components:
html.Div(id = ‘div_id’,children=[dcc.Input(id=‘input1’),dcc.Input(id=‘input2’)])
dcc.Input(id = ‘input3’,value=’’)
and the button item.