Hi all,
I hope someone can help me. I’m developing an app with Dash, in which one can upload some files at runtime using dcc.Upload
. Then, I need to create some callbacks, depending on the uploaded file. Unfortunately, I can’t define the callbacks before running the server (app.run_server(debug=True)
), since they depend on the uploaded data.
My idea was to “restart” the whole app in a callback, e.g. create a new app with all the callbacks, and then run the new app by app.run_server(debug=True)
. Unfortunately, I always get a ValueError: signal only works in main thread
The following callback is triggered when I selected the files and hit an “Upload Button”.
@app.callback(Output("dummy-div", "children"),
[Input("upload-button", "n_clicks")])
def update(upload_button):
# A new layout is calculated from the uploaded data
layout = setup_new_dash_layout()
# A new app is created in my dash_app_handler
# The layout of this new app will be set
# The callbacks depending on the new data will be created
# The new app should be restarted again
This is how dash_app_handler
looks like:
class DashAppHandler():
def __init__(self):
self.app = dash.Dash(name=__name__,
def run_server(self, debug=True):
def set_layout(self, layout):
self.app.layout.children = layout
def create_new_app(self):
self.app = dash.Dash(name=__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)
def _add_empty_layout(self):
self.app.layout = html.Div(children=[], id='app_layout')
The easiest solution I think would be to add callbacks to the existing running app. But I haven’t found a way to modify the callbacks in a running server (app.run_server).
Any ideas how to get it work? Or any other ideas how to solve my problem?
Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!