So I have been trying to set up a 3D scatter animation for a number of plots however I wanted an HTML dropdown control to change the color scheme of a scatter grouping.
A problem arose in that when I updated my scatter’s color scheme, the animation bar seemed to get scrambled.
After some big thinkies I came to some working code of:
function updateColor(){
// Prep the color arrays
var update_colorscale = []
var update_color = []
// Loop through the scatter data
for (const[points, data] of Object.entries(document.getElementById('plot').data)){
// My color selectors are encoded to color with the 'points' value appended
if (data.x.length == 1){
// If a single point set the color selector but a null space for the colorscale
update_color.push(document.getElementById('color_' + String(points)).value)
} else {
// If multiple points set the colors to the original values and set the colorscale based on selected option
update_colorscale.push(document.getElementById('color_' + String(points)).value)
// Restyle (recolour your points) based on the arrays of values built
Plotly.restyle('plot', {
'marker.color': update_color,
'marker.colorscale': update_colorscale,
// Refresh the animation layout to refresh the animation frame
And your chart should continue playing from where it left off. Without the .relayout()
the animation sequence became “scrambled”
Edit: Except now the plot reverts back to its old color scheme on play… =/