I am trying to write a Dash app that will draw a Scatter3D graph as new data is available. The purpose is to draw the path of a CNC toolhead from simulation data.
I am very new to Plotly and Dash so excuse the lack of virtually any knowledge. I also tried to search for something similar on the forums but failed.
I know that I should use dcc.Interval() in a Div element in order for it to update automatically. What I can’t figure out is how to do the actual update.
All the examples that I have seen seem to just create a new figure in the update callback but that seems overly complicated. Is there a way that I can just update the data in the trace?
I think I need to use Output('<id>', 'extendData') in order to dynamically extend the data set. However, now I am stuck at figuring out how to add the Scatter3D graph to the app initially. The dcc.Graph element seems just like an generic element that holds any graph.
How do I add an empty Scatter3D plot to it and just add data through the callback?
The above does start the app and I don’t get any debug errors. However, it also only displays a blank graph, even though, the callback is constantly getting called and getting new values.