Ugly scrolling table

When I have many rows, table becomes scrollable, though when scroll down cells are partially visible above headers rows

This is okay

But then I scroll and this is not okay (pay attention to the top, there are like 3-5px of letters)

Is there any known way to fix this? I tried changing headers’ and cells’ height with no result

Thanks for the report. Could you share the data/layout you used to generate your graph to help us debug. Thank you.

            type: "table",
            columnwidth: [4, 1],
            header: {
              values: headerValues,
              font: { size: 24 },
              height: 50,
              align: ["left", "center"]
            cells: {
              values: cellValues,
              align: ["left", "center"],
              font: { size: 24, family: "Arial" },
              height: 50
          width: document.documentElement.clientWidth * 0.5,
          height: document.documentElement.clientHeight * 0.78,
          responsive: true,
          autosize: true,
          showlegend: true,
          legend: {
            orientation: "v",
            traceorder: "normal"
          title: title,
          paper_bgcolor: "#eaeaea",
          opacity: 0.01,
          plot_bgcolor: "#eaeaea"