Hi everyone,
Iβve been trying to plot to datasets in one parallel coordinates plot, each with a different color gradient. However, only the first data set is being plotted, although the axes and color bar of the second dataset is being displayed on top of those of the first data set.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Below are my script and the output figure is attached.
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.offline as po
datasets = [np.random.rand(5, 4), np.random.rand(5, 4)]
columns = range(4)
color_column = 0
colors = ['Reds', 'Blues']
labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
color_bar_label = 'a'
titles = ['data1', 'data2']
ranges = [0., 1.] * 4
plots = []
ndatasets = len(datasets)
for d in range(ndatasets):
data, color_scale, title = datasets[d], colors[d], titles[d]
plot = go.Parcoords(
opacity = 0.2,
line = dict(color = data[:, color_column],
colorscale = color_scale,
cmin = np.min(data[:, color_column]),
cmax = np.max(data[:, color_column]),
showscale = True,
colorbar = dict(ticks='inside', title=labels[color_column])
dimensions = list([dict(label=labels[c], values=data[:, c], range=ranges[c]) for c in columns]),
name = title
layout = go.Layout(
title='Reference set for DU Optimization, 125k NFE',
font=dict(family='Gill Sans MT', size=20, color='#7f7f7f')
fig = dict(data=plots, layout=layout)
po.plot(fig, filename='parcoords.html')