Thank you so much, it actually worked. Nowhere I found a solution to triggering a Dash Callback from Javascript.
Here is the full solution:
#add virtualization based on scroll
Output('table', 'n_clicks'),
Input('scrollpos', 'children')
def virtualization_table(scroll):
return None
function(n) {
var obj = document.getElementById('scrollpos');
var scrollpos = obj.innerHTML;
console.log('scrollpos: ' ,scrollpos)
console.log('n_clicks:', n)
return scrollpos;
Output('scrollpos', 'children'),
Input('scroll_btn', 'n_clicks')
and in the js file:
const checkElement = async selector => {
while ( document.querySelector(selector) === null) {
await new Promise( resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve) )
return document.querySelector(selector);
checkElement('#table').then((selector) => {
var obj = document.getElementById('scrollpos');
selector.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
obj.innerHTML = selector.scrollTop
console.log('Current scroll value: ', selector.scrollTop);
document.getElementById('scroll_btn').click(); // trigger click event on hidden button