Treemaps in subplot with for loop


I am trying to visualize multiple treemaps in a row. But the result is just blank - no error, no warning… nothing.
I am able to plot the data without looping it. Also, the loop is working just fine (tested it).

fig = go.Figure()
fig = make_subplots(
    cols = 2, rows = 1,
    column_widths = [0.4, 0.4],
    subplot_titles = ('branchvalues: <b>remainder<br />&nbsp;<br />', 'branchvalues: <b>total<br />&nbsp;<br />'),
    specs = [[{'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}
#               #, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}
#              # , {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}, {'type': 'treemap'}

for m, i in zip(df_query["MONTH"].unique(),range(1,3)):
    df = df_query.loc[((df_query["MONTH"]== m))].groupby(["MONTH","PRICE2"])\
                            .agg({"TTL" : "sum"})\
                            .groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: round(100*x/x.sum(),0))\
                            .sort_values(by=["MONTH"], ascending=[True]).reset_index()

        labels = df["MONTH"],
        parents = df["MONTH"],
        values =  df["TTL"],
        textinfo = "label+value+percent parent+percent entry+percent root",
    ),row = 1, col = i)

Any ideas?