I am using a bootswatch theme but want to add different color on its left and right side i.e. light theme applied in the middle 80% of the page and have black color on its left 10% and right 10%. I tried coloring the margins of the container but realized I can only have background color there and changing background color affects everything. So a bit confused now.
How can I do this please.
from dash import Dash, html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
def create_layout(app:Dash):
return html.Div([
dbc.Tab(dbc.Card(dbc.CardBody([html.H1(“Coming soon…”)])), label=“Tab1”),
dbc.Tab(dbc.Card(dbc.CardBody([html.H1(“Coming soon…”)])), label=“Tab2”),
dbc.Tab(dbc.Card(dbc.CardBody([html.H1(“Coming soon…”)])), label=“Tab3”),
], className=“Container”, style={“marginLeft”:“10vw”, “marginRight”:“10vw”})
app = Dash(external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.LUX])
app.title = “TITLE”
app.layout = create_layout(app)