Takes from 3 to 4 positional arguments but 8 were given

What a strange thing!
I’ve been making my callbacks as per the guidance of the documentation.


I bumped into one that does not work, it presents the return below:

c:\Users\EliasPai\Documents\RIKA\ProjetoDashRika\app.py:2: UserWarning:
The dash_html_components package is deprecated. Please replace
import dash_html_components as html with from dash import html
import dash_html_components as html
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “c:\Users\EliasPai\Documents\RIKA\ProjetoDashRika\app.py”, line 424, in
@cc.callback(Output(‘card_venda’, ‘children’),
TypeError: CallbackBlueprint.callback() takes from 3 to 4 positional arguments but 8 were given

What could I be doing wrong here?

@cc.callback(Output('card_venda', 'children'), 
            Input("store", "data"),
            Input('year-slider', 'value'),
            Input('drop-cidade', 'value'),
            Input('check-inline-mes', 'value'),
            Input(ThemeSwitchAIO.ids.switch("theme"), "value"),
            Input('drop-bairro', 'value'),)
def update_card_venda(df, date, dropdown_cidade, mes, toggle, dropdown_bairro):
    template = template_theme1 if toggle else template_theme2

    #df_dados_gerais = dataframe()

    if 'TODAS' in dropdown_cidade:
        mask = (df['ANO'] == date) & (df['MES'].isin(mes))
        mask = (df['ANO'] == date) & (df['CIDADE'].isin(dropdown_cidade)) & \
            (df['BAIRRO'].isin(dropdown_bairro)) & (df['MES'].isin(mes))
    df_vendas = df[(df['OPERACAO'] == 'V') & (df['CANCELADO'] != '*')].loc[mask]    
    venda_bruta = df_vendas['TOTAL_OPERACAO'].sum()    

    return f'Vendas: R${venda_bruta:_.2f} '.replace('.', ',').replace('_', '.')

Hey @EliasCoutinho,

Looks like you gave the wrong callback code, it’s for the ‘sale_card’ output.

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The google translator must have translated the names in the code, I already adjusted it, this must have confused you.

Apparently it was missing to inform the inputs inside square brackets.

@cc.callback(Output("card_venda", "children"), 
            [Input("store", "data"),
            Input('year-slider', 'value'),
            Input('drop-cidade', 'value'),
            Input('check-inline-mes', 'value'),
            Input(ThemeSwitchAIO.ids.switch("theme"), "value"),
            Input('drop-bairro', 'value'),])
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