I am trying to add tags to an ag-grid. I can make the Mantine TagsInput component to work on it’s own, but am having trouble making it work as a custom rendered component inside ag-grid.
I can’t seem to be able to adjust the size of things in the compact ag-grid layout so the TagsInput component fills the cell and doesn’t overflow. I am also having trouble making the tags show independently, and making the component interactive. I don’t have my callbacks set up correctly and when I click the cell, I get an error. Can someone point me to some examples that will help me better understand what I need to do to make this work?
Here is part of the dashAgGridComponentFunctions.js
dagcomponentfuncs.TagsInput = function (props) {
const {setData, value} = props;
return React.createElement(
value: value,
size: props.size || 'xs',
radius: props.radius || 'sm',
onChange: (value) => setData(value),
styles: {
pill: {backgroundColor: "gray", color:"black"},
input: {backgroundColor: "transparent"},
Example placeholder data:
placeholder_data = [
{'label': 'Label A', 'item': 'Item 1', 'tags': ['Tag 1, Tag 2']}]
Example column definition:
column_defs = ... {
'field': 'tags',
'width': 150,
'resizable': False,
'editable': True,
'cellRenderer': 'TagsInput'}...