I am trying to produce a 3D surface plot with colours specified for each z point. I have x, y and z specified as 100x100 arrays, and I also have a 100x100 array of colours in hex format (hexcols) that I would like to use.
p<- plotly(x = x, y = y, z = z, surfacecolor = hexcols, type=“surface”)
does not work (it produces a surface in a uniform colour).
I can produce a greyscale version of what I want with:
greycols <- array(rowSums(t(col2rgb(hexcols)[,1:3]), dim=dim(x)) / 3 p <- plotly(x = x, y = y, z = z, surfacecolor = greycols, type="surface")
but I really need it to be in full colour. The surface represents output from an optical model that simulates ocean colour (as true colour) mapped onto a 3D surface that represents the surface elevation of the water. Any help gratefully accepted!
Update: For my second attempt, I thought it might help to define my own colour scale with a hex value assigned to each unique colour that I need. Because using the full 0…255 colour scales causes me to run out of memory, I started by reducing the palette to a 0…16 scale for each colour. Thus:
red <- col2rgb(hexcol)[1,] green <- col2rgb(hexcol)[2,] blue <- col2rgb(hexcol)[3,] col16 <- round(red/16)*10000 + round(green/16)*100 + round(blue/16) col16 <- array(col16, dim=dim(hexcol))
Then set up the new colorscale:
count <- 0 for (i in seq(0,16,length.out=17)) { for (j in seq(0,16,length.out=17)) { for (k in seq(0,16,length.out=17)) { count <- count+1 cscale[[count]] <- c(i*10000+j*100+k, rgb(i,j,k,maxColorValue=16)) } } }
plot_ly(x = x, y = y, z = z, surfacecolor = col16, colorscale = cscale, type = "surface")
Sadly, this still gives me only a greyscale image! Again, any tips would be much appreciated!
My only other idea at this stage feels rather desperate: produce separate red, green and blue plots in plotly, save them all as PNGs, load them back into R as raster images, and combine the images to produce a new (non-interactive) colour plot.