How would I stream plotly graphs locally? In my case I’m doing some machine learning, and want to stream training data real time to a local server.
How would I stream plotly graphs locally? In my case I’m doing some machine learning, and want to stream training data real time to a local server.
This doesn’t appear to be a plotly.js related question.
The plotly streaming services are only for streaming data through our platform. To stream data to a graph locally, you will need to implement your own streaming service and as data is received, add it to your chart (likely using long polling or websockets).
possible to resume streaming? i.e. append data to existing plot
You can look at the Plotly.extendtraces
and Plotly.prependtraces
for pushing new points to the end or front of an existing trace attribute respectively.
Hey, do you know if i can set a minimum xrange on a streaming chart ? ( I’m using time as the x-axis…)
How did you learn about prependTraces
and extendTraces
? I’m surprised they still haven’t been documented (see github.com/plotly/documentation/issues/250, which for some odd reason I can’t link to.
CC @Miklos.