Hi all,
I am currently trying to stream to multiple axis. I have no problem streaming multiple traces on one y-axis or making a static plot with two y-axis. However, I haven’t been able to combine these two.
More precisely, I have two traces and two y-axis. Each trace is supposed to be streamed to one of the two y-axis.
I found an example for this problem using plotly.py ( https://plot.ly/python/multiple-trace-streaming/ ) but nothing for Javascript.
This is my first programming experience using JS, any help is much appreciated!
September 21, 2017, 6:56pm
Can you share what you’ve tried so far to help us help you?
Of course, my bad for not posting right away. Here is what I have:
var time = new Date();
var trace1 = {
x: [time],
y: [Math.random()+1],
type: 'scatter+line'
var trace2 = {
x: [time],
y: [Math.random()],
yaxis: 'y2',
type: 'scatter+line'
var toPlot = [trace1, trace2];
var layout = {
showlegend: false,
yaxis: {title: 'Mvmt (yes/no)'},
yaxis2: {
title: 'Stress (%)',
titlefont: {color: 'rgb(148, 103, 189)'},
tickfont: {color: 'rgb(148, 103, 189)'},
<!-- overlaying: 'y', -->
side: 'right'
Plotly.plot('tester', toPlot, layout);
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var time = new Date();
var trace1 = {
x: [time],
y: [Math.random()+1]
var trace2 = {
x: [time],
y: [Math.random()],
yaxis: 'y2'
var toPlot = [trace1,trace2]
// I believe here is where my error is. I can't figure out the correct plot command. Below are some I tried.
//Plotly.extendTraces('tester', toPlot, [0,0])
Plotly.extendTraces('tester', toPlot, [0,1])
//Plotly.extendTraces('tester', toPlot, [0])
//Plotly.extendTraces('tester', trace1, trace2, [0,0])
September 22, 2017, 6:11pm
Here’s a working example: https://codepen.io/etpinard/pen/yzaqmJ?editors=0010
Note the call signature for extendTraces
. It does not expect new traces. Instead, it expects attribute-to-array map tables. You must have missed this https://plot.ly/javascript/plotlyjs-function-reference/#plotlyextendtraces
I hope this helps.
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Indeed, I did miss that part. Thanks for helping out, it works perfectly now!
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